Home Amy Larner Giroux

Historical Agricultural News

Historical Agricultural News

Historical Agricultural News was awarded second place in the 2016 National Endowment for the Humanities Chronicling America Data Challenge.

During the website developement, I served as the project manager and user interface programmer. My other colleagues were Dr. Marcy Galbreath and Nathan Giroux. The project uses a unique algorithm that parses the newspaper pages in Chronicling America and returns article level results. The articles contained in the project's database reference agricultiral organizations such as the land grant universities, farm bureau, and extension service. The search screen allows users to focus their queries on crops (vegetable, grain, and fruit and nuts) or livestock. The results can be exported as comma-delimted files or visualized through heat maps.

This project has been presented to audiences such as the Library of Congress and NEH in Washington, DC, and national librarians at the ProQuest sponsored National Genealogical Society Librarian's Day conference in Raleigh, North Carolina. Additionally, it will be presented at the Agriculture History Society annual meeting in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

To access the Historical Agricultural News website, please click the image above.