Home Amy Larner Giroux

Carousel of Possibilities

Carousel of Possibilities

The Carousel of Possibilities was created by myself and three graduate student colleagues: Marcy Galbreath, Tricia Carlton, and Valerie Kasper. This project was part of our final course requirement for "Topics in Texts & Technology" taught in the Fall of 2010 by Dr. Barry Mauer.

Our project is based on the theoretical works of Gregory Ulmer and examines the correlation between the use of petroleum and the sacrifices of animals and humanity during the pursuit of oil. We used road kill and the Deepwater Horizon disaster to demonstrate the connection.

There are eight carousel horses allowing users to access our argument from different perspectives. These horses include the MEmorial Kiosk, Mourning, The Personal Sacred, Road Kill: Sacrifices on the Asphalt Altar, The Totem: Ultimate Reality, Flash of the Spirit, World Disaster Areas, and About the Project.

My contributions to the project included the creation of the infrastructure of the website, the "Mourning" film strip, the "Road Kill: Sacrifices on the Asphalt Altar" video, the interactive petroleum disaster map, and various curatorial texts.

Download poster: PDF (2.8M). Marcy Galbreath and I presented a poster of our team's research at the University of Central Florida's 2011 Graduate Research Forum.

To access the Carousel of Possibilities project website, please click the image above.